Economic Development & Tourism Strategy

Council was successful in a previous Australian Government’s Building Better Region’s Community Investments Stream Fund to develop an Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.

This Strategy provides a framework for how Council will best support economic development, attract new industries to the region, boost local retail and service industries, develop the local tourism and hospitality offering and ultimately increase the Karoonda East Murray median household income. It will help broaden the economic base in the District, minimise impacts through promotion of local strengths and opportunities and assist with developments, activities, services and events through partnerships or direct provision.

This strategy has been developed by an independent economic analysis of the region, as well as stakeholder engagement. The strategy will create opportunities for the Karoonda East Murray community to build on its unique strengths and attributes through a 5-year project plan.

The following activities were actioned in developing the draft strategy;

  • Stage 1 (complete) – Project Start up: review existing economic development activities, project team briefing to review background, objectives, project timing and tour of the Karoonda District Council area.
  • Stage 2 (complete) - Research and analysis: review of existing relevant strategies and reports; analysis and review of economic statistics and trends relevant to the region.
  • Stage 3 (complete) – Community and Stakeholder Consultation: feedback from the Community vision 2040 workshops was provided to the consultants, additional one on one phone meetings and group workshops were conducted with a variety of stakeholders including; local businesses, farmers, community members and the Mallee Business Association.
  • Stage 4 (complete) - Preparation of Draft Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.
  • Stage 5 (complete) - Present draft strategy to the Elected Members to endorse for community consultation.
  • Stage 6 (complete) - Review consultation feedback to inform final strategy.
  • Stage 7 (complete) - Council to adopt final strategy - April 2021.

Economic Development & Tourism Strategy

Economic Development & Tourism Background Report